Baptist Student Ministry

Mission Statement

BSM Mission LogoThe HSU Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) exists to minister to the spiritual needs of the students of Hardin-Simmons University and to equip those students for ministry in their daily lives. We strive to cultivate an atmosphere of discipleship where students can deepen their relationship with Christ in the context of community with the hope that all HSU students might have a fully developed relationship with Jesus Christ. We seek to become the primary catalyst for the campus to be involved in God’s work in Abilene and around the world. We are called to love, serve, and to walk alongside students during their time at HSU. Students from all denominations and faiths are welcome to attend any BSM events.

Simply put, the mission of the BSM is to: “Make Disciples. Serve the Campus. Tell the World.”

BSM is a ministry of Texas Baptist Churches that encourages students to follow Christ and transform the world.

Connect with BSM

Submit a Prayer Request

Contact BSM

BSM Office
Phone: 325-670-1255

Connect with us on social media:


Interns are a vital part of the ongoing ministry of the BSM. Our student interns are the face of the BSM to our campus. Interns serve in a variety of roles. They are responsible for meeting with members of the BSM Leadership team and providing discipleship and ministry direction. They each organize specific ministries within the BSM. Our goal is to offer student interns on-the-ground ministry experience in order to help shape them into ministry leaders.

Avery Ashford

I love getting to know students here at HSU and sharing the gospel with them! I am a senior Christian studies major with a worship leadership minor and have a heart for serving the Lord!

Jenna Kelly

Hello, my name is Jenna Kelly! I am a major in psychology and a minor in social work. I absolutely love spending time with people and growing my relationship with Christ!

BSM Events


Howdy Party

Our first event of the semester is the BSM Howdy Party. This event usually takes place on the first Tuesday evening of the fall semester and is located on the Anderson Lawn. This is a great chance to meet new people and our BSM Leadership team. Join us for a time of fun and learning more information about how to get connected with BSM and our goal as a ministry.


Night of Worship

Night of Worship is a once of month ministry partnership with BSM and HSU Chapel Band. We want to be able to come together in the business of college life and refocus our heart to God. Each Night of Worship is held at different locations across HSU campus.



A 4-week discipleship training at the beginning of the Fall semester for incoming freshmen and students wanting to connect with the BSM. The goal is to help HSU students adjust to college life and develop their faith.


Discipleship Groups

Discipleship Groups are weekly gatherings held across campus after Gateway. Each Discipleship Group consists of 2-3 BSM leaders who lead a Bible study and help their fellow HSU students grow in their faith.

BSM Missions


Campus Outreach and Local Mission Projects

The BSM can often be seen around campus connecting with students. We love to share Christ with all students and open up avenues for spiritual conversation. We also serve the community by participating in several local mission projects throughout each semester in partnership with other groups on campus.


Beach Reach

Each Spring Break the BSM participates in Beach Reach at South Padre Island, Texas with other BSM groups from schools all across Texas. We give free van rides, serve the community, and talk about Christ with college students from all over the United States who have come for Spring Break. If you are interested in participating this year, contact the BSM office.

More Information


Go Now Missions

We partner with Go Now Missions, a ministry of Texas Baptists, to send HSU students all over the world. All trip participants are college students from around Texas and opportunities are endless including Christmas Break projects, 10-week summer projects, 2-week impact teams, full semesters service abroad, and much more! We encourage all students to pray about the unique opportunity college provides for you to experience what God is doing around the world.

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